Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It pays to be organized...

Today is Administrative Assistant's Day. As the team's unofficial AA, Robb decided to shower me with flowers. It's pretty awesome having flowers in every room of the house. :) Tonight was supposed to be our girls' study...but various situations resulted in it being just Michelle and I. Michelle made a grand entrance into my apartment, pulling off the door handle (don't worry, that happens frequently) and flinging a bowl of popcorn all over the room. We swept it up, made another bag of popcorn and pulled out some M&Ms to munch on. The M&Ms actually led to quite the interesting discussion. They were the "Bunny Mix" variety and so had various Easter animals printed on them. Our discussion was initiated by this M&M... Katherine: "Is this a dog? How is a dog related to Easter?"
Michelle: "Maybe it's a goat...but I guess a goat's not related anymore to Easter than a dog..."
Michelle: "But wait...isn't a male goat a sheep?"

Katherine: laughing...choking on popcorn

We soon digressed into discussing whether a bull is just a male cow or a whole separate type of animal. Haven't reached a conclusion on that one yet...


Pru's Corner said...

Happy Administrative Professionals Day...and someone needs some Farm Animals 101...:)

Anonymous said...

haha that seems like a funny conversation - sorry to have missed it!